David Flores Romo
( Illustration and Graphic Art )

There is an important descision in one artist's life where there is a critical decision must be made. Are you really a "wanna-be fan" artist or are you an "I AM" artist right now. I do feel sometimes no matter how detailed or logical I try to get my point across, my language will never be understood but felt. I wander through the shadows till' I find that door that will open so I spread my artistic message in any medium to a vast group of audience that is waiting for me to show. My work as an artist consumed my lifestyle and I see the world now very differently than most people walking down the bus stop. But if there was a secret to any thing in life that I would say from an artist's perspective, I'd say, " ONE THING ".
As one would say, " Everyday you don't work on something, you fail for the day because part of your idea and talent fades away." I am not another artist trying to pretend. I am just a creative individual who has a personal mission to make artwork to tell an unique perspective and share my talent on an art piece to every individual's heart to my imagination. I think that is one great accomplishment every real artist walks away happy when his or her work is done.